Answered By: Rachel Lerner
Last Updated: Jan 24, 2025     Views: 116

Accessing Bates' Visual Guide

Bates' updated their access protocols and now requires an account to access the materials. That account must be created on-campus or, if you are a distance student, through Citrix.

We are working to integrate this with single sign on. Until that occurs, please follow the instructions below to create your account.

From off-campus

1. Log into MyQ, using either Firefox or Chrome. 

2. Choose Citrix from the Applications menu on the left.

3. Login if prompted.
4. Select the web version. 

5.Once Citrix has loaded, select any available Desktop option.

A remote desktop session will open. It might take several minutes to load. Open a browser window and navigate to the library website: MyQ--> IT & Libraries --> Edward & Barbara Netter Library.


7. Click the Bate's link from the side toolbar and follow the on-campus steps (below) to register your account. You will only need to use this Citrix process to create the account. After this, you will be able to login from off-campus from a standard browser.


From on campus:


1. Click the link (above) to go to the Bate's login page.
2. Enter your QU email address into the email field. DO NOT USE THE INSTITUTIONAL LOOKUP.

3. Click create account. 

4. Enter the demographic information, then confirm your account via email. Once you do so, you can log in and begin using Bates'.

 Login page for Bates'. Enter email into email field and click create account. Do not use institutional login

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