Answered By: Jillian Silverberg
Last Updated: Apr 25, 2024     Views: 255

This FAQ is about the New (Blue) version of RefWorks, released to Quinnipiac in 2020. If you are currently using the Legacy (Orange) version of RefWorks, please consider migrating to the newer, more full-featured version, using these instructions. Information about the Legacy version can be found here.  


Importing citations into RefWorks from Epocrates and UpToDate must be done manually. Each of these resources has their own recommendations for formatting a citation:

  • Epocrates: cite the way you would a website 
  • UpTpDate: cite the way you would book chapter in a book titled UpToDate, edited by Ted. W. Post, published by UpToDate in Waltham, MA. There are no page numbers to cite, and the publication year for any topic should be the current year

However, be sure to refer to your chosen citation style's formatting guide for concrete guidance. See the  AMA OR APA guides for assistance.

How to create citations in New RefWorks for Epocrates

1. Login to your RefWorks account.

2. Hover your cursor over the +Add button (plus sign at the top left). Select Create New Reference.

3. Follow the instructions in the following graphics:

4. Select Add more fields. For APA, be sure to include the following:

  • Publisher

For AMA, be sure to include the following:

  • Publisher
  • Last Updated
  • Date Accessed


5. When you are finished, click Save.


How to create citations in New RefWorks for UpToDate

1. Login to your RefWorks account.

2. Hover your cursor over the +Add button (plus sign at the top left). Select Create New Reference.

3. Follow the instructions in the following graphics:

4. Select Add more fields. 

For AMA, be sure to include the following:

  • URL
  • Date Accessed

For APA, be sure to include the following:

  • URL

5. When you are finished, click Save.


To learn more about RefWorks, consult this guide:

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