Answered By: Jillian Silverberg
Last Updated: Apr 25, 2024     Views: 955

This FAQ is about the New (Blue) version of RefWorks, released to Quinnipiac in 2020. If you are currently using the Legacy (Orange) version of RefWorks, please consider migrating to the newer, more full-featured version, using these instructions. Information about the Legacy version can be found here 


Moving references from one project to another is an easy process. Just follow the steps below! 

1. Login into your RefWorks account.

2. Select the references you wish to export.

3. Select Share > Export references from the top tool bar to export references from the project.

4. Select RIS Format from the available formats.

5. Wait for the file to download. The file will be called  EXPORT.RIS - make sure to notice where your downloads go, as you will be using this file in just a moment!



6. Go to your Manage Projects page -- click the arrow next to your current project header and then select Manage Projects



7. Open the project into which you wish to import the references.

8. Select Add > Import References from the top tool bar.



9. Either drag the .RIS file you downloaded onto the upload screen or click the link to select the file from your computer to upload the references.



10. You will be asked to identify the format of the file. Select RIS Format from the list



11. Select Import and your references will be uploaded into the project that you are currently viewing 

If you run into any issues, please reach out to one of your Netter Librarians.


To learn more about RefWorks, consult this guide:

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