The AMA Manual of Style recommends citing electronic video content such as a TedTalk as an online conference presentation.
The citation would adhere to the following structure:
Author. Title of presentation. Where it was presented; Date of presentation; Location of presentation. URL. Date URL was accessed.
A reference would appear as follows:
Gawande A. Atul Gawande: How do we heal medicine? Presented at TED2012; February 28, 2012; Long Beach, CA. Accessed July 13, 2018.
* Notice that Atul Gawande's name has been included in the title. This is not an extra element for the AMA citation; it's included because his name is part of the title itself. TED videos include speaker names as part of the video titles.
Note: If you are using a video found on the TED website, additional information about the specific conference in which your presentation was given may be available. The example above was presented at TED2012.
A quick search of "TED2012" yielded information regarding the conference's location, the dates it occurred, and the specific date that the cited TedTalk was given. If no additional information can found regarding the specifics of the date or location, use the information found on the video's webpage (in this case the date would be March 2012) or leave the fields blank.
For more information on citing an online conference presentation you can refer to the AMA Manual of Style.
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