Filespace on a MAC can be a bit tricky to locate, but follow these directions and you will find it easily!
- Open your FINDER, then to go to the GO dropdown menu. In the GO dropdown menu, select CONNECT TO SERVER and you will see a connect to server window open. Alternatively, you can go to the FINDER and then hit Command+K; a server window will open.
- In the server address, type (click the + to add this so you only need your password in the future). Click CONNECT.
- This will open a new window - delete the user name that is shown and replace with your QU user name. Enter your QU password, then click CONNECT.
- In FINDER, find the tab called shared - you will see MY FILESPACE. Click on your folder with your user name.
**You will have to reconnect anytime you shut down your computer (follow same steps as above)